ESTD 2013
The French

The French Retreat was developed after many combined years teaching, attending and writing about residential workshops and retreats.

Matthew and Emma Pruen wanted to create a space that would hold the deepest emotional work. They searched for property that was both sufficiently private and open. They found this Manor house that hadn't been lived in since the 1970s and set about converting the huge barn into a large group room with high spec en-suite accommodation.
The French Retreat is a very special workshop and retreat centre. The vast double height group room with its vaulted ceiling is simply stunning. Each bedroom has a very different feel, from simple French country twin rooms to the Lord of the Manor's four poster bedroom. The en-suite bathrooms are sleek and modern, with traditional features retained.
The owners run their own courses at The French Retreat and also invite teachers and facilitators to use the venue for their own courses. Matthew as been a self development facilitator for the last ten years and before that ran award winning restaurants in Bristol, although the original plan was to be an artist. You can read read more about Matthew and his work at www.matthewpruen.com.
Emma's path has been equally eclectic working as a self-esteem counsellor, founding and running a mind, body spirit magazine, training as a shamanic practitioner whilst working as a spin doctor for the Green Party and more recently fulfilled a long ambition to become a Systemic & Family Constellations Facilitator and Coach. Read more about Emma's work as a facilitator here.